Coal Fatality – 8/5/24

On August 5, 2024, a miner was seriously injured when an air lifting bag he was using to rerail the conveyance that was carrying the longwall electrical power center suddenly dislodged.  The miner died from his injuries on August 7, 2024.

Best Practices

  • Block or secure equipment against hazardous motion.
  • Provide miners with proper tools for rerailing track equipment.
  • Train miners on safe work procedures and to identify hazards associated with their assigned tasks.

Additional Information

This is the 12th fatality reported in 2024, and the seventh classified as “Powered Haulage.”

Click here for: Preliminary Report (pdf)

Coal Fatality – 7/25/24

On July 25, 2024, a miner died when he was engulfed in material against the stacker belt conveyor’s feed chute.  The miner was kneeling and shoveling on the stacker belt conveyor when the belt conveyor unexpectedly rolled back.

Best Practices

  • Evaluate for possible stored energy and other hazards before beginning work.
  • Use proper devices and tools to block machinery against hazardous motion before performing repairs or maintenance.
  • Task train miners on safe work practices.

Additional Information

This is the 11th fatality reported in 2024, and the sixth classified as “Powered Haulage.”

Click here for: Preliminary Report (pdf)

MNM Fatality – 6/14/24

Note: This alert was posted as a Safety Alert for Tire Explosion on 7/19/24 and didn’t come up on my radar as a specific Fatal Alert. Sorry for the delay in posting to this site. – Randy

On June 14, 2024, one firefighter died, and another was injured when a front end loader tire exploded while firefighters fought the equipment fire.

Best Practices

In the event of a possible or actual fire (e.g., odor, heat, smoke, flames):

  • Stop the machine, lower all attachments, set the parking brake, and turn the equipment off.
  • Actuate the machine-mounted fire suppression system, if available.
  • Safely exit the machine and retreat to a safe location, preferably 1,000 feet away.
  • Warn all others in the vicinity of the fire, notify management, and contact appropriate emergency personnel.
  • Do not attempt to extinguish a tire fire with a hand-held extinguisher.
  • Wait for emergency responders to arrive. Stay clear of the fire.
  • From a distance, emergency personnel can use a fire or water truck to cool down the equipment. (See SAE J2828NOV2016 – Off-Road Tire Handling Guidelines.)

Click here for: Preliminary Report (pdf)

Coal Fatality – 5/31/24

Note: This alert was posted as a Safety Alert for Unsupported Roof on 6/18/24 and didn’t come up on my radar as a specific Fatal Alert. Sorry for the delay in posting to this site. – Randy

On May 31, 2024, a 27-year-old coal miner suffered fatal injuries from a roof fall when he traveled under unsupported roof. In May 2021, a 32-year-old continuous mining machine operator was killed by a roof fall when he was working under unsupported roof.

Best Practices

Mine Management:

  • Prohibit work or travel under unsupported roof.
  • Train all miners and supervisors on the hazards of working and traveling into areas
    of unsupported roof.
  • Identify and correct unsafe work practices.

Roof Control Plans should include:

  • Identifying the next to last full row of permanent roof supports with highly visible
    markers at all approaches.
  • Installing and maintaining adequately designed roof/ground control where miners
    work or travel.
  • Guidance ensuring miners are safely positioned while setting temporary support.
    Installing temporary supports under the direct supervision of a certified foreman

Click here for: Preliminary Report (pdf)

Coal Fatality – 7/12/24

On July 12, 2024, a rock truck operator was seriously injured after being struck by the bucket of a front-end loader.  While walking to her parked truck, the rock truck operator passed under the raised front-end loader bucket as it was being lowered to the ground during maintenance.  On July 23, 2024, the rock truck operator died from her injuries.

Best Practices

  • Provide adequate illumination for miners performing maintenance.
  • Ensure the work area is clear and barricade equipment before performing maintenance.
  • Communicate your intended movements with mobile equipment operators and ensure they acknowledge your presence before traveling near mobile equipment.  
  • Stay clear of raised equipment or machinery until it has been lowered or securely blocked against motion.  
  • Wear reflective clothing when working in dark conditions.

Additional Information

This is the tenth fatality reported in 2024, and the fifth classified as “Powered Haulage.”

Click here for: Preliminary Report (pdf)

MSHA Health Alert: Respirable Crystalline Silica

On April 18, 2024, MSHA issued its final rule, Lowering Miners’ Exposure to Respirable Crystalline Silica and Improving Respiratory Protection, to reduce miner exposures to respirable crystalline silica and improve respiratory protection for all airborne hazards. Some updated resources appear below.

Important Dates:

  • The final rule will take effect on June 17, 2024.
  • Coal mine operators are required to be compliant by April 14, 2025
  • MNM mine operators are required to be compliant by April 8, 2026

The Final Rule:

  • Establishes a uniform permissible exposure limit (PEL) of 50 micrograms per cubicmeter of air (μg/m3) and action level of 25 μg/m3 for all mines.
  • Uniform requirements for monitoring and controlling respirable crystalline silicaRequires medical surveillance at MNM mines, modeled after existing requirements forcoal mines.
  • Updates the existing respiratory protection requirements to the ASTM F3387-19Standard.


July Fatality Updates

Final Reports posted:

Fatalities awaiting Fatality Alert to be posted:

  • 5/31/24 Coal – Fall of Roof or Back
  • 6/14/24 MNM – Fire
  • 7/12/24 Coal – Powered Haulage
  • 7/25/24 Coal – Powered Haulage

Fatalities awaiting Final Report to be posted:

June Fatality Updates

Final Reports posted:

Fatalities awaiting Fatality Alert to be posted:

  • 5/31/24 Coal – Fall of Roof or Back
  • 6/14/24 MNM – Fire

Fatalities awaiting Final Report to be posted:

Coal Fatality – 5/16/24

On May 16, 2024, a miner died when the excavator he was operating traveled over a 200-foot highwall. 

Best Practices

  • Reduce fall hazard exposure by limiting the distance equipment can safely operate near the edge of highwalls. 
  • Examine benches to identify hazards related to insufficient bench width, locations of other equipment, loose material, etc.
  • Discuss highwall hazards with miners and train miners to recognize these hazards.
  • Address hazards in the mine’s Surface Mobile Equipment Safety Program.  Include safe work practices for weather conditions (fog, heavy rain, or snow) that could reduce visibility.

Additional Information

This is the seventh fatality reported in 2024, and the second classified as “Machinery.”

Click here for: Preliminary Report (pdf)

May Fatality Updates

Final Reports posted:

Fatalities awaiting Fatality Alert to be posted:

  • 1/2/24 MNM – Powered Haulage
  • 5/16/24 Coal – Machinery
  • 5/31/24 Coal – Fall of Roof or Back

Fatalities awaiting Final Report to be posted: