MNM Fatality – 2/14/22

On February 14, 2022, a 34 year-old maintenance technician died while driving a lube truck underground.  The truck over traveled the edge of a stope and fell approximately 60 feet into the stope drift.

Best Practices: 

  • Provide berms, bumper blocks, safety hooks, or similar impeding devices at dumping locations where there is a hazard of over travel.
  • Examine working places before work begins for conditions that may adversely affect safety and health

Additional Information: 

This is the seventh fatality reported in 2022, and the third classified as “Powered Haulage.”

Click here for: preliminary report (pdf) Final Report (pdf).

April Fatality Updates

Final Reports posted:

Fatalities awaiting Fatality Alert to be posted:

  • 1/28/22 MNM – Powered Haulage
  • 2/14/22 MNM – Powered Haulage

Fatalities awaiting Final Report to be posted:

MNM Fatality – 1/26/22

On January 26, 2022, a dump truck rolled backward onto a 54 year-old miner while the miner was attempting to troubleshoot a brake issue.  The dump truck operator was unaware that the miner was under the truck when he released the parking brake, allowing the dump truck to roll backward. 

Best Practices: 

  • Block machinery or equipment against hazardous motion before performing repairs or maintenance.
  • Communicate with mobile equipment operators and assure they acknowledge your presence, before traveling near mobile equipment.  Do not assume that mobile equipment operators know that you are in the vicinity.

Additional Information: 

This is the 5th fatality reported in 2022, and the first classified as “Powered Haulage.”

Click here for Preliminary Report (pdf), Final Report (pdf).

MNM Fatality – 3/22/22

On March 22, 2022, a 44 year-old heavy equipment operator drowned after the floating pump station he was standing on capsized.  At the time of the accident, the miner was assisting a co-worker in connecting a water discharge line.  

Best Practices: 

  • Design and use floating platforms in a manner that complies with the manufacturer’s specifications and recommendations.
  • Before working on a floating platform:
    • implement safe work procedures that take into account potential hazards from rain, ice, freezing temperatures, and other environmental conditions.
    • perform adequate work place examinations, especially on floating platforms that are infrequently used.  Check parts that are subject to rust, sun damage, water damage, etc. over long periods of time.
  • Wear life jackets where there is danger from falling into water.

Additional Information: 

This is the twelfth fatality reported in 2022, and the first classified as “Drowning.”

Click here for: Preliminary Report (pdf), Final Report (pdf).

Coal Fatality – 3/20/22

On March 20, 2022, a 33 year-old miner died when he was struck by a roof fall while moving a waterline outby the retreat mining section.  The intersection of the fall area was supported with five-foot fully grouted roof bolts and 10-foot cable bolts.  The roof fall was approximately 40 feet long, 18 feet wide, and five feet thick. 

Best Practices: 

  • Conduct a visual examination of the roof, face, and ribs immediately before any work is started in an area.
  • Be alert to changing roof conditions, especially during retreat mining.
  • Train miners on how to identify hazardous roof and rib conditions.

Additional Information: 

This is the 11th fatality reported in 2022, and the second classified as “Fall of Roof or Back.”

Click here for: Preliminary Report (pdf), Final Report (pdf).

MNM Fatality – 3/4/22

On March 4, 2022, a 37 year-old bulldozer operator died when the bulldozer he was operating went over the edge of the highwall, landing upside down on the pit floor.

Best Practices: 

• Dump loads a safe distance back from the edge of the highwall and push the material over.
• Maintain control of mobile equipment while it is in operation.
• Perform ground condition and workplace examinations.
• Train miners to safely perform tasks.Additional Information: 

This is the tenth fatality reported in 2022, and the third classified as “Machinery.”

Click here for: Preliminary Report (pdf), Final Report (pdf).

Coal Fatality – 3/2/22

On March 2, 2022, a miner was fatally injured when an overhang along the mine rib fell, striking the miner and pushing him against the canopy of a twin boom roof bolting machine.  The miner freed himself from the fall, but later died. 

Best Practices: 

  • Remove overhangs with the continuous mining machine.
  • Install support of proper length with surface area coverage, on cycle, and in a consistent pattern for the best protection against falls.
  • Examine the roof, face, and ribs immediately before starting work in an area where people work and travel, including sound and vibration testing where applicable.
  • Scale loose roof and ribs from a safe location.  Prevent access to hazardous areas until you take corrective measures.
  • Take additional safety precautions when encountering new and changing roof and rib conditions.
  • Train miners on how to identify hazardous roof and rib conditions.

Additional Information: 

This is the ninth fatality reported in 2022, and the first classified as “Fall of Face, Rib, Side, or Highwall.”

Click here for: Preliminary Report (pdf), Final Report (pdf).

Coal Fatality – 2/28/22

On February 28, 2022, a contract miner died when he was crushed between the rib and a single boom face drill.  The victim was alongside the drill using the onboard tram lever controls when the accident occurred because the remote control was inoperable.

Best Practices: 

  • Mobile equipment shall be maintained in safe operating condition.  Immediately remove mobile equipment in unsafe condition from service.
  • Always operate mobile equipment from a safe location.  Use the remote control or operate from within the operator’s compartment if available.
  • Determine the proper working position to avoid pinch points and Red Zone areas.
  • Train miners on the safety aspects and safe operating procedures of mobile equipment before use.  Review and discuss pinch points and Red Zone locations.

Additional Information: 

This is the eighth fatality reported in 2022, and the third classified as “Machinery.”

Click here for: Preliminary Report (pdf), Final Report (pdf).

MNM Fatality – 12/13/21 Surface

On December 13, 2021, a customer truck driver (victim) stopped at a designated tarping area and was assisting another driver with a rear trailer indicator light.  The victim’s truck moved forward and pinned him against the back of the other driver’s truck.

Best Practices: 

  • Do not leave mobile equipment unattended unless the transmission is in the park position, the parking brake is set, and the trailer brakes are engaged.
  • Block, or secure from movement, mobile equipment parked on a grade.
  • Never position yourself in hazardous areas around mobile equipment parked on a grade that is not blocked or secured from movement.
  • Train customer truck drivers on site-specific hazards.

Additional Information: 

This is the 37th fatality reported in 2021, and the 17th classified as “Powered Haulage.”

Click here for: Preliminary Report (pdf), Final Report (pdf).