All along I have updated Fatalities posted here to include Final Reports and other notices when available. This usually takes weeks until they are posted and lately months and months. Because the update appears on the initial posting they most likely go unnoticed by those following this blog. I’m going to start entering a separate post to notify of the update along with a link to take you to the original post now updated. I hope this helps to keep you in the know when it comes to the hazards that are costing miners their lives.
It is usually safe to assume that a Fatality post that is missing the Final Report then MSHA has yet to release it, but if you’re unsure or a link doesn’t work please notify me at
Because it also takes MSHA more than a week to post what we used to call Fatalgrams giving the basic information about a fatality I, I’ll also post notices of fatalities that are pending Fatality Alerts. This will be without any additional information since there is so little offered at this point. At this writing we’re still awaiting a Fatality Alert for a December 23 Coal Fatality and a MNM one that occurred January 8.