One of the easiest things an equipment operator can do to stay safe is to fasten his or her seat belt. Wearing a seat belt protects against injury in the event of a serious accident. It can also help the operator maintain control during sudden extreme movement. Nevertheless, we continue to see serious injuries and fatalities resulting from lack of seat belt usage. MSHA engineers estimate that 3-4 miners’ lives could be saved each year if seat belts were used universally. MSHA regulations require the use of seat belts in most equipment and circumstances. Seat belt design is evolving in terms of operator comfort and responsiveness. For example, some will tighten when equipment reaches a critical tilt point. There are also a growing number of tools available to ensure that seat belts are used by operators and visible to supervisors. These range from standard reminder chimes to cab-top lights that change color when the seat belt is buckled. What’s important is that functioning seat belts are made available and are used by all equipment operators at all times. – MSHA