It’s as regular as the seasons, HEAT, and as it arrives MSHA alerts us about related health issues. “Mining in hot work areas during summer can cause serious health issues for miners. Everyone needs to recognize the hazards of heat stress and mine operators should provide heat-stress recognition training, monitoring, and personal protective equipment,” says MSHA.
The latest alert contains advice on symptoms and what to do or NOT do to treat them. Most importantly it also says this about Preventing Heat Stress:
- Provide cool drinking water near miners.
- Encourage miners to drink a cup of water every 15 to 20 minutes.
- Avoid drinks with caffeine and large amounts of sugar.
- Use sunblockers, proper protective clothing and shade.
- Use administrative controls to rotate miners on hot jobs.
- Schedule heavy tasks during cooler times of the day.
Download the full alert (pdf) here.