MNM Fatality – 2/6/23

This fatality never had an alert posted individually by MSHA but was mentioned in this Electrical Saety Alert. The following text is from the Final Report.

On February 6, 2023, at approximately 3:45 p.m., Javier Regalado-Cano (Regalado), a 61 year-old haul truck driver with over a year of mining experience, was fatally injured when he received an electrical shock. While Regalado was operating a haul truck, he raised the bed of the haul truck into the energized 13,800-volt phase-to-phase power lines (power lines). Regalado exited the haul truck and extinguished a fire on the haul truck’s left rear dual tires. Regalado received an electrical shock when he contacted the energized haul truck while reentering it. 

The accident occurred because the mine operator did not: 1) install warning devices for the power lines, and 2) de-energize or take other precautionary measures when mobile equipment was operating near energized power lines. 

Additional Information

Click here for: Preliminary Report (pdf), Final Report (pdf).

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