Fatality #48 for Coal Mining 2010

On Saturday, December 4, 2010, a 32 year old contract truck driver with four years of experience was killed in a Powered Haulage accident on a coal mine haul road. The loaded truck struck the left berm on the elevated roadway and over-turned on the road, trapping the victim under the cab.

Best Practices

  • Never operate a truck or other mobile equipment without using a seat belt.
  • Know the truck’s capabilities, operating ranges, load-limits and properly maintain the brakes and other safety features.
  • Construct roadway berms to appropriate strengths and geometries to prevent driving through them or driving up onto them.
  • Train all employees on proper work procedures, hazard recognition and avoidance, and proper use of roadway berms.
  • Observe all speed limits, traffic rules, and ensure that grades on haulage roads are appropriate for haulage equipment being used.
  • Always select the proper gear and downshift well in advance of descending the grade.
  • Monitor work habits routinely and examine work areas to ensure that safe work procedures are followed
  • Maintain control of equipment at all times, making allowances for the prevailing conditions (low visibility, inclement weather, etc).
  • Maintain equipment braking and steering systems in good repair and adjustment.
  • Do not attempt to exit or jump from a moving vehicle

For more information that can be used to prevent this type of accident refer to: MSHA – Safety Targets Program – Operating Surface Equipment (Coal) Safety Target Package – Trucks

Click here for: MSHA Preliminary Report (pdf), MSHA Investigation Report (pdf)

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