MNM Fatality – 11/5/24

On November 5, 2024, a miner died when the haul truck he was operating over travelled a dump point.  The edge of the dump point failed, causing the haul truck to travel backwards, overturn, and land on the roof of the cab.

Best Practices

  • Always dump material from a stable and safe location. If inspections indicate the ground conditions are not reliable, dump loads at a safe distance and push the material over the edge using a bulldozer.
  • Never load material from the toe of a stockpile directly below an active dump point.  This may lead to an over steepened and unstable slope, resulting in stockpile collapse.
  • Always construct substantial berms as a visual indicator to prevent overtravel or overturning. 
  • Always wear a seatbelt.
  • Train miners to use safe dumping procedures and recognize dumping hazards such as material slides and other unsafe conditions.

Additional Information

This is the 26th fatality reported in 2024, and the 11th classified as “Power Haulage.”

Click here for: Preliminary Report (pdf)

MNM Fatality – 4/13/24

On April 13, 2024, a front-end loader operator drowned, lying face down in a pool of water.  The front-end loader operator was last seen using a water hose to wash material off a concrete pad next to a pool of water.

Best Practices

  • Conduct adequate workplace examinations before work begins in an area.
  • Maintain workplaces in clean and dry condition when possible. 
  • Where wet processes are used, maintain drainage, and ensure safe access.
  • Ensure miners are able to communicate with others when assigned to work alone.
  • Routinely check on miners working alone.

Additional Information

This is the 25th fatality reported in 2024, and the second classified as “Drowning.”

Click here for: Preliminary Report (pdf), Final Report (pdf).

MNM Fatality – 9/20/24

On September 20, 2024, a miner died after he fell approximately six feet from a front-end loader while attempting to replace a bulb on the right front headlight. 

Best Practices

  • Develop and implement a Safety Program for Surface Mobile Equipment that includes actions taken to identify hazards and risks to reduce accidents, injuries, and fatalities related to surface mobile equipment.
    • Identify hazards and risks.
    • Take corrective actions to eliminate / reduce risks.
  • Provide and maintain safe access to all workplaces and establish safe work procedures.

Additional Information

This is the 22nd fatality reported in 2024, and the third classified as “Slip or Fall of Person.”

Click here for: Preliminary Report (pdf), Final Report (pdf).

MNM Fatality – 4/25/22

On April 25, 2022, MSHA was informed of a miner’s death. MSHA’s initial findings indicated medical-related issues as the cause of death. Because of the circumstances surrounding the accident, MSHA referred the accident to the Agency’s Chargeability Review Committee (Committee). On March 28, 2024, the Committee determined that this death should be charged to the mining industry.

On April 25, 2022, co-workers found a maintenance worker lying face down in a pool of water.  The maintenance worker was using a water hose to wash out fine material that had gathered under a tail pulley.

Best Practices

  • Maintain workplaces in a clean and dry condition when possible. 
  • Where wet processes are used, maintain drainage platforms, mats, or other dry standing places.
  • Ensure that miners have communication systems available when assigned to work alone.
  • Routinely check in on miners working alone.
  • Conduct workplace examinations before work begins in an area.

Additional Information

This is the 30th fatality reported in 2022, and the third classified as “Drowning.”

Click here for: Preliminary Report (pdf)

MNM Fatality – 1/2/24

On January 2, 2024, the driver of an over the road tractor-trailer haul truck died when the trailer tipped over onto the cab of the tractor. The driver was dumping part of the load of gravel from the trailer. Between 2018 and 2024, mine operators reported 14 injury accidents where over the road trucks tipped or rolled over while dumping. During the same period, miners were also injured when 28 off-road mine haul trucks tipped or rolled over. 

Best Practices

  • Dump only on level surfaces, free of spillage. Make sure elevated dump sites are substantial and equipped with adequate dump point restraints.
  •  Keep your truck and trailer in a straight line when backing up and never move faster than walking speed.
  • Avoid dumping in high or gusty wind conditions.
  • Stay in the cab with your seatbelt on during the dumping process. Never attempt to exit or jump from an overturning truck.
  • After dumping, remove any compacted material before reloading the truck.
  • Evenly distribute the load and use antifreeze in cold weather to prevent material from freezing and sticking in the truck bed.
  • Never overload trucks or trailers.

Additional Information

Click here for: Preliminary Report (pdf), Final Report (pdf).

MNM Fatality – 12/14/23 OK

MINE FATALITY – On December 14, 2023, a miner died while preparing to repair flanges on the feed box. In the process of lowering the chute into the maintenance position, the chute pinned the miner between the chute and the handrail.

Best Practices

  • Block machinery components against motion before beginning maintenance or repairs and verify miners are in a safe location before moving equipment and components.
  • Examine work areas during the shift for hazards that could be created while performing the work.
  • When conducting a non-routine task, review safe procedures before starting work and ensure all safety components are in place.
  • Do not work under suspended loads.

Additional Information

This is the 39th fatality reported in 2023, and the 15th classified as “Machinery.”

Click here for: Preliminary Report (pdf), Final Report (pdf).

MNM Fatality – 9/8/23

On September 8, 2023, a miner died after entering a hopper to clear an obstruction.  A front-end loader dumped two loads of crushed limestone into the hopper with the miner inside.

Best Practices

  • Install barricades to prevent mobile equipment access to bins and hoppers when miners are working in them.
  • Establish and train miners on procedures for safely clearing bins and hoppers.
  • Lock-out and tag-out the supply and discharge equipment before entering bins and hoppers. 
  • Wear a safety belt or harness equipped with a lifeline in a confined space.
  • Equip bins and hoppers with vibrating shakers or air cannons to prevent material blockages.

Additional Information

This is the 31st fatality reported in 2023, and the seventh classified as “Powered Haulage.”

Click here for: Preliminary Report (pdf), Final Report (pdf).

MNM Fatality – 7/17/23

On July 17, 2023, a miner died while performing repairs on a gyratory crusher. When a component was being suspended by a crane, a lifting eye welded to the component broke free striking the miner.

Best Practices

  • Ensure that all miners stay clear of stored energy while performing repairs. 
  • A certified welder should weld any lifting eye and ensure the welding rod is suitable for the materials joined together. 
  • Examine lifting equipment and connection points for cracks or deformation prior to lifting. 
  • Use low energy ropes and straps to minimize rebound effects when objects break. 

Additional Information

This is the 25th fatality reported in 2023, and the 11th classified as “Machinery.” It was delisted by MSHA on 5/22/24 over jurisdiction issues.

Click here for: Preliminary Report (pdf), Final Report (pdf).

MNM Fatality – 6/8/23

On June 8, 2023, a miner died after climbing over the handrail onto a conveyor belt to gain access to a magnet belt that needed adjustment. When the miner stepped onto the magnet belt, the belt started, throwing the miner 16 feet to the ground below.

Best Practices

• De-energize, lock-out, tag-out, and block machinery against motion before performing repairs or maintenance on a belt conveyor.
• Install a system which provides visible or audible warning to warn miners that the conveyor will be started.
• Provide and maintain safe access to all workplaces and establish safe work procedures.
• Use fall protection when a fall hazard exists. Ensure fall protection has a suitable fall arrest and secure anchorage system, and that miners are properly trained.

Additional Information

This is the 22nd fatality reported in 2023, and the second classified as “Slip or Fall of Person.”

Click here for: Preliminary Report (pdf), Final Report (pdf).

MNM Fatality – 1/30/23

On January 30, 2023, a miner died while troubleshooting a belt conveyor when he fell through a 37-inch-long by 34-inch-wide hole created by the removal of a section of grating.  The miner fell approximately 35 feet from the catwalk to the ground below.

Best Practices

Operators should:

  • Provide fall protection where there is a danger of falling and train miners on its proper use.
  • Replace guarding/grating that protects temporary access openings as soon as completing work.
  • Conduct workplace examinations and immediately correct any unsafe conditions.

Additional Information

This is the sixth fatality reported in 2023, and the first classified as “Slip or Fall of Person.”

Click here for: Preliminary Report (pdf), Final Report (pdf).